When I was around 12 years old, my 6th grade teacher taught our class how to leave our bodies when we were in pain or about to go to the dentist. She taught us how to calm ourselves down and let go of physical pain. It was an amazing experience to be taught how to step out of your body by a public school teacher in Nebraska. Two years later, in an acting class in Iowa taught by local college students, I first learned of the hara, our center point where energy can build and where your inner child lives. In this same class I did my first guided meditation, based on Shirley MacLaine’s book Out on Limb, where we projected ourselves outside of our bodies and were held to earth by a silver cord of life. This was the eighties and even in the conservative areas where I lived, Spirit found a way to talk and teach me.
Almost 25 years later I went back to the techniques I had learned. I was then taught several different ways to meditate by other gurus, teachers and shamans. Each had their own way of getting to same places - out of this plane of reality and into a heaven or a different universe. I have taken these various methods I was taught and brought them down to one simple method of guiding yourself and others into other dimension and planes, free of the third dimensional plane of earth.
Music is an easy way to place yourself outside of your body. The vibrational sounds of Tom Kenyon can instantly place you into other dimensions just with a listen. Tibetan chants, monks ringing bells, Hindu songs, flutes, strings, bagpipes, rattles - you name it, so many different vibrations for you to go off into other dreams with. It’s about finding your favorite meditation music, finding what calls to you. Sounds of rain falling or birds chirping, finding what brings peace to you. Toning is another great method. It is about vibration, so find something that speaks to you.
Following your breathe is another simple way of creating a meditation space. There are several apps, Youtube videos and other free information on how to breathe for meditation. Simply follow the breath as it goes in and out - feel it not just in your lungs, but follow the oxygen while it goes to every cell. One meditation calls for feeling in love and breathing out release of what you no longer need. Another meditation is breathing OUT your love to the world and recycling the chaos with your breath. Set your own intentions for what you desire.
Other things like scents, pillows, candles and crystals are meditation aids. It's all up to you. If you want to make a crystal grid to sit in or hold a mineral in your hand or light a candle to help you, do whatever you want to make you feel comfortable. Certain times of year you can bring in smells or other rituals like solstices, full moon, new moon, birthdays, Holy Days- however you want to create your space. Meditation can be done in the middle of crowds and the peace of meadows.
I have put together fourteen simple steps for doing your own astral traveling. You can do this in your own space or out in nature, just be sure you are not in a public way where you may block people. It can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as you desire. Set a timer to help call yourself back if you feel you may get lost in time.
Fourteen steps for Astral Travel
1. Ground yourself and your client (this is a running theme before you do any kind of healing work) You have to be connected to the earth to properly travel out.
2. Relax. Close your eyes (or have your client close their eyes) and begin to take deep breaths. Breathe in the love and healing light, exhale out the worries for the day and any fear in the body. Tell your client or yourself to relax, as thoughts pop into your head, let them go. As worry comes in or thoughts of the “to do” list for later, tell yourself, "I can think about that later, I want to be present in each breath I take."
3. Imagine. To begin guided meditation, tell people to use their imagination. Don’t get caught up in detail, but instead use your imagination to get started. Listen to only one voice - YOURS - that is guiding you. You can pre-record yourself leading a guided meditation, then listen to it yourself if guiding yourself is too difficult in real time and you get lost.
4. Walk in. Imagine yourself walking down a bright white tunnel. At the end of the tunnel are two Beings of Light, or two Guardian Angels/Archangels waiting for you. The Two Beings or Archangels extend out their wings and together the three of you make a Circle of Light. Ask to be taken to the Garden of the Goddess. Step into the portal or ask to be sent to where you want to go, to the guides and information you are desiring.
5. Make the SOUND of the color to create the portal red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. See the colors shift in your third eye or 6th Chakra. Feel the grounding Red of Mother Earth, Orange of the Sky Father Sunset (Atmosphere), Yellow of the Sun (Yang), Green of Goddess (Yin), Blue of Compassion, Indigo of Consciousness, Violet Light of St. Germaine (Spirit).
6. Garden of the Goddess. Step out of a cave into the Garden of Goddess. See the most incredible garden, breathing in the scent of roses. One of the Beings of Light lays out a path for you through the Garden of the Goddess to the Golden Gates and out to a large body of water. Following the path the Archangel sets for you selects the type of healing “water” energy you will experience.
7. Water of Life. This is no ordinary body of water. Instead, this is pure LOVE. It is true Source of All, it is the healing love energy fluid that will heal and clear. Watch how black brown goo flows out your hands and feet. Allow the healing love energy fluid to flow through you into every cell, clearing and revitalizing each organ, vibrating and elevating every cell of your being. Play in this Water of Life - float, dive, swim, be free and let it all go
8. Healing Temple. Always clear yourself or client first in the Water of Life before going to the Healing Temple. See this beutiful temple and walk in. You belong here. Here you can ask for Guides for special healing, or simply ask for whatever is needed for your highest good.
9. Compassion. Bring in Compassion - Holy Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin, White Tarot, Shakti, whomever you feel compelled to bring in for you or your client .Feel as this BLUE/Green/pink healing loving energy moving into your being through your heart chakra.
10. Consciousness. Bring in Consciousness - Jesus Christ, Osiris, Buddha, Shiva whomever you feel compelled to bring in for you or your client. Bring this energy into the brain stem and down the spine. Feel it as it travels down, then feel it as it rises back up the spine to completion.
11. Integrate. A Being of Light will come behind you, and wrap their wings around you to integrate in the wisdom and love you have received. Allow this angelic being to pull open your own wings or expand them. Your wings are part of the integration that will always be with you. The complete integration of your experience in your energy body takes 24-36 hours. As your wings expand out, the angel releases you from their angelic wings.
12. Thank Them. Be humble and grateful to all Beings that you encounter. Do not ask them yes or no questions. Receive all the gifts they are giving to you. Do not deny any gifts or tasks given to you. Thank them all before exiting the meditation, for this is more than a meditation. It is a healing specifically created for you.
13. Go Back. Go back through the Golden Gates. Go back into the Garden of the Goddess. Meet back up with the two Beings of Light who created the initial Circle of Light that brought you here and form a new Circle of Light.
14. Create the Portal. Step into the Portal as you hear and experience the vibrational sound of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. Step back into your body. Be present here and now on planet Earth and slowly open your eyes.
After doing this meditation give yourself time and be gentle with yourself for a few days. Remember that the full integration takes place for 24-36 hours. Drink extra water as you have experienced a spiritual detox. If possible, take a Himalayan Salt bath with your favorite essential oils.
Often you will get Spirit messages and homework after astral traveling. I highly recommend writing these messages and assignments down to create a journal of your journey. Don’t wait, but write as soon as possible after you are conscious again on this earth plane. After you write out your experience, you can analyze it or get the deeper meaning by looking up Medicine Animals or other symbols that appeared in your vision.
Learn to find your own space of meditation and your own rituals of love for you. Find your space and fly high!
The Dragon Heart
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