You Are a Powerful Mirror


Did you know that you are a powerful mirror? As people look at your expressions and hear your words when you speak to and of them, they see a clearer and clearer view of themselves. 

What views are you gifting to the people in your life? Are you showing them how beautiful they are? Are you magnifying their strengths? Or are you making it your life’s work to keep everyone’s ego in check by taking them down a few pegs at every chance?

Strangely, I have never been at a funeral where people said of the deceased, “Oh, if only I'd let them know that they would look better with a more flattering haircut. If only I’d told them more often that they were no good at drawing and needed to lose a few pounds…”

We’ve all heard the digs and jabs that keep us in our place. Little shards of sharp mirror that fester and magnify our broken selves. Sometimes these come as backhanded compliments. I still remember the long-ago party where a friend I had known since high school said, “Wow! Your hair looks fabulous!...” At this, I felt myself blossom with confidence and pleasure, then she followed with “ ...I don’t think I’ve ever seen your hair look healthy before.”

Immediately I deflated. This mirror told me that I had been walking around with terrible-looking hair for a decade or more. I was taken down a peg and put in my place.

In the energy of the war-like old world this kind of experience would be followed by an act of offense or defense. The revenge of saying something equally (or more) hurtful back - you attacked me, so I’ll attack you - is an example of an offensive reaction. For me, it meant taking the defensive action of building a wall of protection and retreating behind it. It meant adding a thin layer of distance and mistrust to my understanding of friendship. 

These defensive reactions can be very slight, but they build up and calcify, while the fiery reactions of the offense can escalate and create burnt-out chasms with endless attacks and counter-attacks. As a healer, much of my work has been focused on chipping away at the long-ingrained habits of both of these types of reactions. 

Neither type of reaction is necessary any longer in the Nova Gaia energies. In Nova Gaia, there is greater compassion and understanding, plus a greater sense of the whole and our individual responsibility to honor and uphold the glory and quality of this Nova Gaia Energy of Love. 

As part of that responsibility, we learn to speak up and own our feelings, own our experience. We do not let it fester, we do not let it calcify. We speak. As soon as possible, if not immediately. We clarify and ask for clarification. Had I asked, “Are you telling me that my hair has looked terrible all these years that we’ve known each other?” what do you think my friend would have said? Was her comment a counter-attack to something I had previously said that hurt her? With the clarification that would have followed, what would I have taken away from her comment? The compliment or the sting? And what of our friendship? Would it have drifted farther apart or deepened?

This is not about confrontation, it is about collaboration in creating our mindful co-experience. Had I spoken up at the time or shortly thereafter, this entire episode would be a completely forgotten part of my past. I am sure it is something she doesn’t remember at all.

We all say or do dumb things sometimes that are unintentionally hurtful and there may not be much we can do to stop that from ever happening, but there is something we can do to ameliorate those times. We can live our lives as the shiniest mirrors imaginable: 

We can let others see the goodness that we see in them. 

We can let others see the talents that we see in them. 

We can let others see the beauty that we see in them. 

We can let others see the skills that we see in them. 

We can let others see the growth that we see in them

We can let others see the resilience that we see in them.

We can let others see the love that we see in them.

Throughout my life, I have rarely known what people think about me and I have rarely known what to think about myself. Like many of us, I had learned to discount the compliments and amplify the criticisms, so I have been afraid to look and see myself as others see me. As a poor receiver of compliments, I have been a poor giver of compliments. Thankfully, The Dragon Heart has written a blog for next week to address this. 

I am grateful for the mirrors that the Dragon Heart and The Fairie provide for me so I can finally see and accept my true self. I ask that we all follow their example and brighten the world with a populace that knows itself fully and beautifully.

I stand before you as a mirror

Shining light straight into your heart

Reflecting back to you 

The Beauty that is You

The Power that is You

The Perfection that is You

I Love You

                                    The Angel

We are proud to announce the release of The Prophecy Map of Nova Gaia.

This is not a book as you have known books. It is much, much more.

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We are The Angel, The Dragon Heart, and The Fairie
