We most certainly live in extraordinary times.
We are easing into the Age of Aquarius, into a new energy that will, once again, transform all: All of us, all of the world, all of the Universe.
It is a time of great upheaval and it is a time of unlimited possibilities. As we are shifting in the energies of connection and community, of consciousness and choices, this is the time to embrace all that is sacred. Within you and around you.
And you guessed it. Everything made of love is sacred.
This is the time to remember that you are made of love, that everything around you is made of love. From the pebbles to the mountain, from the drop of water to the ocean, from the blade of grass to the tallest trees, all is about love.
And so is every atom, every cell that makes up your body. We are Divine as much as we are human. Every single cell within our body is sacred. All we have to do is to remember... All I have to do is to remember... All you have to do is to remember...
For the most part, we know this. It is reflected in all of life on this planet. If we give love to something, it thrives. If you feel love, you thrive.
So let's talk about love. What is love? For too long we have looked at love just from the physical aspect and as something that happens between people “falling in love”. We have been taught that love has to come from the outside. What about Motherly Love? What about the feeling you have for your sibling? How about when you just know you are doing the right thing? How about filling yourself up with love from the inside?
Love is so many things. What love always is - is kind. And joyful. And compassionate. Love can be gentle, love can be fierce. Love is passion, love is what sparks the fire of life within us. When we are full of love we are living the life that is right for us. It is about living within our passion, within our greatest bliss. Love always includes reverence to the sacred - the beauty, the awe - within it.
In this time of great change, it is up to each and every one of us to choose love. To choose to be at our best and brightest. To choose to follow our dreams and spread our wings. In both small ways and large ways.
The other day, I had a client who said
something profound as we were talking about how to shift out of a
mindset of lack into a mindset of abundance. As this concept was sinking in, they whispered to themselves. “Small adjustments,
big impact”. That is correct. Every ever-so-small opening within yourself towards love will have a major impact on your life.
Let's talk about what it means when I say "changing from a mindset of lack into a mindset of abundance." We have lived in a mindset of lack for a long time. It is the notion that there is not enough. This then goes deeper into the psyche as “I am not enough.” I think that a lot of us have had that feeling; speaking for myself, I most certainly have. It causes all kinds of issues of greed and separation and fears which all lead to a fracture within ourselves. How can we love ourselves in that mindset?
As we let love grow from within, by being gentle, kind and compassionate to ourselves, by honoring our boundaries and respecting all for what it teaches us, we are reminded of the connections to all that exists. As we become more generous within ourselves we become more generous with our surroundings and the world. We step into the mindset of Abundance. We know that everything we need will be provided when it is needed. We know that there is enough. We know we are enough. I am enough. You are enough. This opens up fertile ground for love to grow.
As we find ourselves in this mindset of love towards ourselves, we are free to make our own choices. We free ourselves up to walk our own journey. We are enough. I am enough. You are enough
All our own negative self talk and thinking is transformed into learning and growing. We are free to create. We are free to allow for our greatest dreams to be in reach.
Love is the creation of all that is conductive to life. Life in itself is sacred in all its expression.
We live in extraordinary times.
Allow yourself to love yourself. Allow yourself to grow into your brightest, shiniest thriving self. Allow yourself to see the Sacred in yourself and you will find that you will see the sacredness of all. Step into the mindset of Abundance and you will reap the greatest rewards. Every little step towards love creates a wave that will make a huge impact - Within yourself. Within your world.
Look in the mirror every night and know that you are enough. That you are Sacred. Allow it into your life, every second. Allow it to take root. Watch it bloom into the most beautiful exquisite flower.
-The Fairie
Want to know more about self love and how to get started, here are a few resources to check out.
We are proud to announce our book, The Prophecy Map of Nova Gaia.
This is not a book as you have known books. It is much, much more.
Please follow The Cartographers of the New World at novagaialove.com
We are The Angel, The Dragon Heart, and The Fairie
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