The Dragon Heart Guide to Self-Care: Daydream More

2020 was a game changer to say the least.  It brought a new understanding of self-care, of self-love - an egoless, judgement-free way of living.  As humans, we tend to compare everything to what we've experienced, read or what others tell us.  Somewhere along the way of our Earth Walk, we as individuals lost our dream state.  We became too wrapped up in fashion, new cars, brand names, plastic surgery, over-priced experiences, new technology and so on.  

How lucky I was to experience 2020 and begin to see the truths. To learn to slow down, to understand that our health needs to be a priority, and that love is truly unlimited and cannot be purchased. I learned that my personal vision of self-care is for us to dream bigger.  I do not mean the dream advertisers, churches, schools, social media and others tell us to think is our dream. I mean our own dreams.

We can dream bigger! We can love more.  We can be more conscious and kind to each other if we choose to live our personal dream and not the mass consumption dream.  I have removed myself from that life-sucking way of dreaming.  I am creating a place of nature, of oneness, of kindness - a place filled with my love. And it all begins with self-care.

These are my top pracetices for self-care. Some have been taken from other practices I read about or experienced at a retreat, and others are, well, just silly to inspire you!

First, I start my day with my daily practice.  My Iphone watch gently buzzes me awake as I push the button to lower my bed so I can easily roll out.  Next I put on my Lulu Lemon matching outfit, asking which crystals wants to go inside my bra for the day.  Then I look into my blue light mirror to make sure my make up didn’t come off from the night before, I must reapply to make sure the Glamglow is natural on my face.  A quick douse of patchouli and lavender oil to awaken my senses for the day.   Then I take a shot of wheat grass that I grew in my window with a big dash of cayenne pepper and several drops of CBD.  I dial up my virtual sword fighting routine and I begin swinging and stabbing into the air like the final battle of Game of Thrones.  When I complete my 90 minute work out I drink my cold brew Starbucks in a can and down it with Coke’s new Guava Mango drink.  Eat a protein bar and I am ready.

Yeah, no, it doesn’t go down like this for me.  That was my example of what some believe a daily practice is.  I am allergic to wheat grass and it would close my throat just with one shot, my partner got me out of wearing makeup.  I am bit of wimp, so heavy metal for me is something to dance to, not for me to lift or sweat with.   I don’t practice sword fighting or go into a hyper chamber.  I am not able to meditate for 3 hours a day, nor do I want to.   

You see where I am going with this.

A daily practice needs to be your thing- what do you do to start or end your day.  I happen to be an early morning person and my dog, Sophie, is as well.  I like to get up in the morning and watch the sunrise.  Sometimes I take pictures or record it and sometimes I just sit and watch it.  I don’t do yoga or mantra, I have no one prayer I do, I just connect with the sun in my heart. I give my gratitude for it rising every day.  I love facing the East and watching the light slowly creep over the land.  To watch the world change, I watch the mountains in the West as they turn from dark blue to pink to bright orange to green.  I love listening to the birds’ chatter as they wake each other up and deliver the morning news.

This is my daily practice.  My way of connecting with the world in my own way.  Maybe you get a cup of coffee and look out your window to the world.  Maybe you connect while driving into work or riding the train listening to your favorite song.  There is no one way or THE WAY to wake up and start your day.  It’s your day, not mine, so how could anyone tell you how to start it.  I am suggesting that you will have a balanced day if you start balanced.  It’s up to you to find a way to bring yourself into balance to begin with. 

First thing in the morning is the easiest time to do an activity with a clear mind.  That’s why many people love to work out or do yoga first thing in the morning.  That is SOOOOO awesome!  Getting up and going for a bike or swim, connecting to nature and your inner core at once.  I dream I could be that person so I would have perfect physical health.   Taking a walk or even just stretching can really get you off to a balanced start.   Finding a way to get your body moving or stretching only allows for better health.

If you are not someone who can get up and exercise or sit in lotus position to meditate then start with something simple.  I bet all of you use the bathroom at some point in the morning.  I recommend that just for ONE minute- 60 seconds - sit on your toilet without thought.  Sit straight and just listen to your breath.  No thought about the day, no worries about yesterday and no chatter.  Just sit in silence by yourself for 60 seconds.  No goal setting or manifestation for the day, just find your balance – start with a silent personal prayer for peace for the day. 

This is true meditation because your back is straight and your mind is open, empty - still waking up.  It’s the easiest time to meditate, especially if you have voices chattering in your head during the day.  They, too, are not fully awake and just for one minute you can start your day in peace and centered. 

After a few months of doing this you will find the 1 minute becomes 2 or 3.  You will find that you like being centered before the noise of day starts.  You will find that this begins to stop the incessant chatter in your head.

The next step of finding your personal balance or space within could be a mantra or a prayer.  Here is where you set your personal intentions for the day.  What is it that you need... YOU NEED... not your kids, not your family, not your best friend, not work, but what do you want for day.  Day dream just for a second what a wonderful day it will be.  Set your day for your love and light to glow and it will encompass everyone you are around.  The happier you are, the more it spreads and grows organically. At the same time, respect the Wheel of Life- meaning that every day will not be rose-colored.  Some days you may feel sick, out of sorts, outside pressure or having to do something you may not want to do: being at the bottom of the wheel.  This is part of your process, your path.  It will be okay, so don’t beat yourself up to make it worse, just find you and choose to have LOVE help you experience what you need to learn.

Speaking of the Medicine Wheel or Wheel of Life, living judgement free, or drama free really helps in calming voices in the mind.   If you look at a situation and understand what medicine - or what information - is there for you to learn, it helps you step out of a victim mentality.   "Why does this always happen to me? Why me?  Everyone is saying, everyone is talking about me…" Who is everyone, and do we really know what they are thinking?  By choosing to or learning to step back from situations we understand that maybe we need to change our way of thinking or consider others' perspectives.   I was really able to become more compassionate, or tolerant, when I stopped taking everything so personally. I started actually listening to the comments that made me feel bad or put me in a downward thought vortex that everyone hates me, I am a bad person or I am not good enough.   When we are gaslighted or manipulated we can’t see or feel the love that constantly surrounds us.  In fact, we tend to block it, making ourselves go deeper into depression.  I know this feeling very well as I had a partner, who made life all about them, their dreams, their happiness and I was just there to provide the pathway for them. It was when I understood the medicine of this, what my lessons were, that I was able to find a balance for myself and the courage for a divorce.

A practice that changed me forever was “I Love You Body”.  I apologize I don’t know who originally wrote this practice.  In this practice, after you get out of the shower or bath or just out of bed go straight to a mirror, naked.  Starting with your toes look at them and say I love you toes, then go up. I love you feet, I love you ankles, I love you knees.  Go all the way up your body to your hair or scalp.  The first time I did this whole exercise, I could not get up to my stomach without crying.  If you have seen me, I am 5 ft 3 in, about 125 lbs.  Some people would love those measurements, but like others, I judged myself so badly I could not love my body.  Yes I was late to work that day.  I choose to help myself, and for 30 mornings straight I stood in front of the mirror and loved my body for who I was.

It worked.  Not only was I healthier amd happier with me, I actually watched my own body change from what I called a 12 year old boys body, to that of a body that is perfect for me.  I have recommended others to do this practice; many no longer need surgeries on their bodies and found they could heal themselves just by loving themselves.

Now I have shortened the process of loving my body to hugging myself with a warm towel when I get out of the shower, looking in the mirror and saying – “I love you Rachel Otto, I love you Rachel Otto, I love you Rachel Otto”.  Unconditional love from the Universe just pours threw me, and I choose my happiness.

During the day I allow my day to flow.  I was once registered as a type A personality, and was well known to be living in a future that I was planning at least 3 years ahead.  I was constantly looking at my day planner, filled with loads of meetings, luncheons, work and scheduled vacation.   Not anymore.  Now I just let the day tell me what’s going on.  Yes some things need to be planned for, but that’s only because I daydream of what I want to do next.  I love daydreaming while I am standing in line, stuck in traffic, doing daily chores.  Instead of planning away every minute of my future, I daydream what tomorrow will feel like.  

For example, I daydreamed what it felt like to have a dog.  Initially, when I tried to purchase one or even order one for three years, something always happened to stop me; miscarriages, sick puppies and scams seemed to break my heart for years.  Then I just started dreaming of the feeling of petting a dog, my partner even got me a stuffed animal to pretend I had someone to cuddle with.   I thought about going on walks, brushing the animal, wearing matching outfits, even spending as much time with my sister's dog, Coco.  One day in January of 2019 a wagon with 2 beautiful Standard Poodle puppies got pulled into my shop.  At only 10 weeks old, a large black puppy choose me to be her care taker.  To add to the blessing, she needed a home and the breeder happily traded her for sunglasses, dresses and items from our shop.   Sophie is the most perfect companion I could have ever imagined and she was brought to my door step, she cost me nothing and has taught me about unconditional love. 

In the evening, just stop for minute wherever I am at and acknowledge the sun setting.   I give gratitude for the day. I thank all around me- the air, the water, the food and the land.   I listen to the birds to hear their closing chatter.  I start my day with gratitude and end my day with gratitude.

I recommend to you to dream again, even when you are standing in line at the Post Office or grocery store. Instead of spending time worrying about a situation, daydream the best outcome. Dream of your future with great feelings of love and peace.  Dream of a world where you first choose for yourself what you would like to do.  No limitations, because everything can be free, all of your desires and wants.  

As The Dragon Heart, I know the power of dreams, of compassion, and of ALL’s Love for you.  This is YOUR Earth Journey. Find your path of love, for after all, the universe knows how perfect you are just being you.

I love you. 

The Dragon Heart

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