What is Reiki? According to most sources, Reiki is “a traditional Japanese technique used for relaxation that promotes healing.” Which really doesn’t say much. I have also heard it called “touch-less massage” or laying of the hands. Again that doesn’t explain much.
Reiki is the Universal Energy that flows through all of us
and everything. It is part of God (or
whatever you prefer to call the Creative Source) and it could be said that it is guided
by the Great Goddess (The Divine Feminine - Quan Yin or Mother Mary or Senja
Kannon or whatever you call that energy).
I was taught that this Universal Life Energy is a wonderful healing energy that flows through the
Reiki practitioner or Master to the client.
The energy does not come from the person doing Reiki, rather it flows
through them to the person receiving the healing energy.
That is what the teachers and the history books said.
Then the NOW of Nova Gaia - the Great Awakening, the Shift - happened and a new understanding began to express itself within me.
Reiki is just another way of saying LOVE.
Energy comes in different forms, according to science - from vibration to physical batteries. What I have to come to experience is that Reiki is Universal Energy in everything from your pet to your grandmother.
As a professional healer, I understand that
love is not sex, love is not just a feeling, love is not exclusive to people,
but love is an energy, a true energy of unlimited possibilities. Love is the
Universal Energy that runs through everything- it truly is what makes the world
go around. The unlimited possibilities
of love! Reiki is LOVE!
Today, Reiki is a term used to name a healing
modality. There are over 50
different types of Reiki as a healing modality from the very simple traditional
Usui Reiki from Japan called Jikiden Reiki, to the most common Western form of
Reiki brought to the world by Takata and made popular by William Lee Rand, to
Reiki Drumming, Reiki Crystal work, Rainbow Reiki, Reiki lightwork - I could go
on and on. I do encourage you to explore and experience various forms of Reiki to see which one speaks to you. There is no one "right" or "best" way. The various forms of Reiki are just different expressions
of LOVE!
This love energy brings different reactions for each individual because it is a very personal service and because every Reiki practice is different. Some people feel a tingling in their body, some have visions and see colors or guides, others can feel muscles moving or bones mending. Yet, it is also very common to feel nothing but a sense of extreme relaxation. These are all reactions of love.
I find that the more energy work you do and the more open you are to the Spiritual, the more you feel and see while giving or receiving Reiki. There is no one single feeling and there is no right or wrong way to do Reiki. There are methods that do increase the energy flow, and definitely methods that bring in other sources of healing, but the methods that do this can vary greatly from practitioner to practitioner.
When it comes to receiving Reiki, it is really about what you feel comfortable with. Do you want hands laid on you? Do you want a drum beating on top of you? Do you want crystals to absorb your pain? Be true to your comfort level because it is YOUR healing - let the practintioner know if anything is uncomfortable for you. As practitoners, we want you to be able to focus on healing and relaxing and if that means changing the music, adjusting the lighting, or getting you a tissue, we are happy to do it. If it means adjusting the energy we send so it is less intense or offering a safe place for you to cry, we are here for that as well.
Reiki is not faith healing. It works even if someone does not believe in it; however, you must be willing to accept the love energy. This can be a more difficult task than you may think. So many people are not used to receiving love. So many people feel that they are unworthy or insist on a martyrdom that says "oh, no, someone else needs this more than I do." We all need and deserve healing.
For those who are not quite ready to accept love, it can appear as if nothing is happening, but this is not a waste of time. Bit by bit, little by little, chinks appear in their self-denying armor and the love flows in. As you accept the energy, it will help you - then anything
and everything can and will happen.
With the inflow of Nova Gaia Love Energies, I understand that I am not simply a Reiki practitioner, nor am I simply a Reiki Master Healer, I am Reiki. I am Love. I am made of physical earth, I am made from star dust, but what rules my soul and guides me is love energy or the true meaning of Reiki - Universal Life Force.
In the Age of Aquarius, in these Nova Gaia Love Energies, when we speak of love we express the unlimited energy from our Creative Source/ALL. This love does not require a symbol or a secret mantra it truly is already within you. As you read this - you are Reiki too! It already exists inside everything!
That said, there is much benefit from learning the healing practice of Reiki in any of its forms. Classes bring many benefits from learning how Reiki came to be in the western world and how it continues to grow and transform, to gaining firsthand experience with the energy under the guidance of an eperienced Reiki Master, to the increased confidence that comes from learning and exploring multiple techniques with fellow students in a forum that encourages your questions and provides answers and discussion.
(Check novagaialove.com or waychilllife.com for upcoming in-person and zoom classes. The Angel, The Fairie, and I also offer in person and distance healing sessions)
There is healing and love in all of us. As you learn and grow, you can feel its various levels of intensity increase. In nature and in spiritual centers where love is allowed to flow freely, the energy is more palatable; you can feel the Reiki love energy flowing just by connecting into the space around you.
What can Reiki love energy do for you? It can help you heal yourself, heal others, and create a peaceful community. Reiki works with modern medicine, it does not replace it and the two are not mutually exclusive. You can have a Reiki practitioner, a chiropractor, a general practitioner, and an oncologist. Reiki is here to aid in your healing and that of others. Trust your own judgement and personal beliefs on the healing modalities that are right for you.
Reiki practitioners can feel where your body has
pain, begin healing, and teach you how to heal yourself. Someday I believe we will be at
the point where healing with Reiki or other modatlies will become integrated as part of
Western Medicine. We are headed in that direction. For now, seek out both to help you expand and
heal as appropriate.
Reiki is ideal for all people, plants, and animals to prevent future health problems and to heal the long-term issues that are part of one's family history.
I believe I am walking Reiki - walking love - just by being in tune with myself and nature. It is this love energy that we all share. As more people become aware of this, it spreads tolerance and compassion with conscious knowledge! Once we all accept Reiki as the Universal Life Force of Love that flows unlimited, that, my friend, is the Age of Aquarius, the Nova Gaia Love we all are: This NOW moment of Love.
-The Dragon Heart
We are proud to announce our book, The Prophecy Map of Nova Gaia.
This is not a book as you have known books. It is much, much more.
Please follow The Cartographers of the New World at novagaialove.com
We are The Angel, The Dragon Heart, and The Fairie
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