Thank you for being Nova Gaia Love.
What is Nova Gaia Love? What does Nova Gaia Love stand for, you ask? Here is a little more about us and why we took this time to come together to co-create a world where we all can be our brightest, shiniest expression.
Nova Gaia refers to the world we are entering: The New Earth. Much has already been written about it. Some is very beautiful and uplifting information, but in the chasm that is our current state, there also has been a lot of misinformation and fear-mongering about what it means to enter a new chapter within Earth's history. So let's talk a little about what Nova Gaia Love means to us.
We are The Cartographers of the New World. The Angel, The Dragon Heart, and The Fairie.
We are here to provide maps of Nova Gaia. Maps toward a life of love, of joy, of fulfillment, of purpose. Maps that hold lessons learned. Lessons that can be applied to create ease for our Earth Walk. Lessons that create more balance and alignment with the energies of Love that are available to each of us now. Energies of Love that show us the path into what we believe will be the “Golden Age” for this world and humanity. A world where we individually and collectively free ourselves from our old traumas to heal and to live life in harmony and peace, with honor and respect - both within yourself and within the collective that makes up society.
In its journey through time, Earth has experienced many cycles. There are minutes and days, years and millennia. One of the bigger cycles is the 26,000 year cycle that is referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes. This cycle got quite some attention in 2012 in connection with the ending of the Mayan Calendar. You might remember all the talk and movies around the “End of the World.” This 26,000 year cycle refers to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth's axis and the influences that this journey has on all life on Earth.
Right now, we are in the birth canal from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The end of the Mayan Calendar reflected on the ending of one Age and the beginning of a new.
Picture from: & Encyclopedia Britanica
Within the process of this “wobble”, the position of the stars and constellation gradually shift to different alignments with the Earth. In its path, we travel along twelve Astrological areas representing the different energies of the 12 signs of the Horoscope. The Earth spends roughly 2,000 years in alignment to each of the astrological areas. These are called the Ages. And each Age has a specific energy to it.
Picture from:
You might have heard about the Age of Aquarius, which is the Age we are entering right now. It follows the Age of Pisces, which started around the time a man known by the names of Immanuel, Yeshua or Jesus was born. Defined by the great world religions, this previous Age introduced the concepts of surrender, compassion, kindness, charity and empathy to the wider world. The Age of Pisces was to understand that separation is an illusion and that we can be “whole” as we unite the human ego and the eternal spirit of the soul within our human bodies.
As we enter into the Age of Aquarius, we are endeavoring to integrate all the lessons and concepts that the previous ages have taught us. As Aquarius is the most humanitarian of signs, our planet, Gaia, is entering a time when we recognize the connections we have with all that surrounds us, human, other, seen, unseen, known, unknown. It is in this Nova Gaia, this new world, that Love finally finds its alignment, its practical application within us as individuals and within us as a collective.
This is an Age of knowledge, of innovation, reasoning,
This is a time of truth, transparency and freedom.
Of living life fully empowered, sovereign, honored, and loved.
We are learning that each individual life is important and contributes to what is considered the whole of the Mother that nurtures us all, Gaia. We are learning that we come from Love, are Love and will continue as Love. By bringing out each one's gifts, each one's truth, by healing the distortions that came with the trauma of many generations within our connection to self, we enter our own Nova Gaia, our own new world.
As we feel the love we are and start to create flow and grace, it ignites the spark that holds the knowing of our deep connection with the All.
It is a light. a frequency, an energy, a feeling, a knowing within us all.
And that, in short, will be Nova Gaia Love 202.
The Fairie
You are such a beautiful, incredible soul. Thank you so much for sharing this deep teaching with us all.