If the World is Filling Up With Love, Why Do I Feel So Bad?


“If the world is filling up with Love, why do I feel so bad?” It’s a question I asked the Universe as I was hit by wave after wave of emotions and energies. I didn’t really expect an answer, so I was surprised when one came out of the ethers: 

Oh, my dears, it is natural for you to expand your ability to hold more Love, to absorb more Love, and then experience a backlash of growth and clearing. It doesn’t have to happen, but with you humans, it is more often the norm than the exception.

Who was this? Most of the time I don’t concern myself overmuch with the specifics of “who” sends me Spirit messages. It’s enough for me that they are heaven-sent. Sometimes, though, I do get a sensory nudge that the “who” is part of the message. That’s how it feels this time, so I lean into the energy for greater understanding.

At first I only get an “A” sound. “Aaaaaaa.” It expands more as a feeling than a sound. Aurora? Andromeda? As I explore the energy, Andromeda doesn’t feel quite right. Aurora? I test it out. Yes. Aurora is right. As an energetic feeling, the name feels like home for the being who is speaking to me. Very feminine. Very peaceful. Very loving. I’ve never heard of an Ascended Master named Aurora so I will turn to Google later to learn more, but for now the name is enough.

I had woken up feeling a pain that wasn’t a pain. Feeling dizzy without being dizzy and feeling nauseous without being nauseated. My computer went into a limbo-land between turning off and turning on so I couldn’t accomplish the tasks I’d planned for the day. I couldn’t rest enough to sleep and I couldn’t move enough to do anything. I guess I was in limbo-land along with my computer. Here physically, but not able to perform any kind of significant activity.

I recognized this kind of experience from the past. A few years ago I was forced to spend many of my days lying in bed, feeling tremendous amounts of energy flow through me as it was transformed, transmuted, and transmitted. At the time I came to understand that it was a service I was providing as part of the Earth’s preparations for the Age of Aquarius. I was able to accept it and adapt to it. 

Eventually, that aspect of my service was completed and I only experienced this overwhelming energy feeling on rare occasions when important new energy downloads came. This became more and more infrequent until I thought I had permanently moved past them...until this major whammy. But there was something different about this time. Something the same, but something different.

I thought over Aurora’s words.  So that’s what is happening.  We are expanding our capacity for Love, receiving more Love thanks to that expanded capacity, then experiencing the following growth and clearing as a painful backlash. 

“You have come so far. It is hard for you to see it and feel it, as your starting point is a nearly forgotten aspect of your past, but it is true. You began with baby steps of advancement that were laughably small, but you felt the same reaction as you are feeling in this present time. Now you are taking great leaps and experiencing the reaction in much the same way as you once did for small advancements, but it is now at a much greater scale than you can be aware of. We are all so proud of you.”

When she spoke it was with an overlay of both the personal “you” and the global “you”. Her message includes me just as it includes you. We are no longer in the period of serving the Earth’s advancement as she has completed her leap into Nova Gaia. (I am being prompted to say that there are some who will always energetically serve Earth, as that is their purpose. They have little to no interest in the fate of humanity one way or another. The Earth is their one true love. This has nothing to do with environmentalism. It is about a form of energetic service that is not yet fully understood on Earth, but has been experienced by many since 2012.) 

We are now in the period of serving humanity for humankind's own leap into Nova Gaia. In a sense we are already there, but in another sense we are still traveling to our final energetic destination.

Growth and clearing. Growth and clearing. Expansion and making additional space for more expansion. So this is what we are doing. But why does it feel like torture?

Ah. That is because of your physical bodies. If you had no bodies, it would not affect you in this way. Your bodies are used to interpreting events and feelings as linked. When something happens that is scary, you have a certain feeling. When something happens that is exciting, you have a certain feeling. These feelings can be very similar, but you interpret them differently by what you see and experience with your body. With these energy changes, you have a feeling but no external visible event to link it to that gives it a level of understanding. 

You see your body as your Self and when an uninterpretable feeling occurs, you designate it as illness or sickness. With the exception of clear bliss feelings, you define feeling ‘off’ or ‘different’ as bad, particularly when the feeling limits the functioning of your body in some way. If your body is your Self and your Self is unable to function as you are used to, it becomes very uncomfortable for you in your human form.

Your body, of course, is not your Self. It is only a temporary housing for you. When these changes occur, they happen most cleanly and efficiently when your body is taken - in your words - ‘offline’. Accept it. Allow it. Understand that what you are feeling is of benefit and make allowances. When the experience is too painful, ask us to help mitigate the experience so that you can better make your way through it.

We will always come to you and help as best we can. That can feel somewhat limited to you in your experience as you wish to feel completely normal, but the bothersome effects you are feeling remain necessary to slow you down. You are all so very loved and honored for the work you are doing. It is no easy task to take a physical body with you to these higher levels. You are bringing a new peace to your world. These experiences are the preliminaries of that peace. It is all based in the highest Love for Self and others.”

Wow. Thank you, Aurora, for this deeper understanding. I now know exactly what to do to care for myself during these times. It is something I have experienced before. I foolishly though it was all a part of my past, forgetting that there are always higher levels of spiritual energy to attain. Let me share with you now some of the tools I know for navigating these energy downloads with your human body and we will use them together.

  1. First, do not fight the energy. It is not an attack from darkness, it is an adaptation to higher and higher levels of light. Say to yourself and the Universe, “I accept and allow, I request and receive, these energies.”

  2. Feel into the honor and respect that is flowing to you from those in the higher reaches. The work we have signed up to do here on Earth is not easy, but we are doing a truly amazing job.

  3. Accept that these experiences are part of the service you signed up to give here on Earth. YOU are here to lift humanity to new heights. You may have thought it would happen differently - or you may not have been aware of it at all - but this service is a key element to your presence on Earth at this time. 

  4. Know that You are needed. You have a unique energy signature that harmonizes with the whole. It would not be the same without you. You are an integral part of the work.

  5. Know that you are not alone. Many of us are going through these changes with you. Reach out with your senses to link with those others and feel an energy grid form between you. With this grid you can support each other. You may not be consciously aware of when you are giving or receiving this support through your shared grid, but know that it is there, working to help you.

  6. When it feels like you can’t stand it anymore, ask your Guardian Angel, Higher Self, and other elevated Beings for help to mitigate what you are feeling so it will be less intense. In fact, don’t wait until then. Ask before it gets too bad for you. This is not weakness and it will not harm the process. You are learning how to surf these energies and ride with them. This takes time and experience.

  7. Take it Easy. This applies to both your physical body and your mental Self. Rest or nap if you can, take a break from your To Do’s, and don’t beat yourself up for being tired, achy, and fuzzy headed. If you have a day at work you can barely struggle through, celebrate the incredible person you are at the end of the day. You were able to attend meetings, take care of customers, complete forms AND integrate huge loads of energy to benefit yourself and others. Even your least productive day on Earth can be an incredible achievement from a higher perspective.

  8. Ground yourself by standing barefoot on something natural like rocks, dirt, or wood, or hold onto rocks or wood with your hands. Hold some jasper or another grounding crystal and carry it in your pocket to calm the energies. Hug a tree. Literally, go hug a tree. You'll feel the difference.

  9. Take a bath. Add sea salt, baking soda, or epsom salts to the water. Water is a natural energy communicator. It can speed the transmission of the energies while making your body feel calmer. A shower is a fine substitute if no bath is available.

  10. Love yourself. Understand that you may feel very removed from Love while in the midst of this, but it is expanding your heart. We are used to feeling Love in our bodies, but this spiritual Nova Gaia love is different. We have to learn how to feel it, to grow into feeling it. It is like hearing a new sound that, for now, is in a frequency at the very edges of our ability to hear.

Ah! Thank you. I feel so much better now. Calmer and more centered. Let me send this energy to you now to help you to complete peace. In upcoming blogs, The Dragon Heart will expand on this in her magical blog on Self Care and The Fairie will bless us with her blog on Self Love. Subscribe to the Nova Gaia Love Blog by clicking on the word "subscribe" in the upper left hand corner of this page so you won't miss out on these.

And now to learn more about my Spiritual communicant, Aurora. Who is this Ascended Master who had this message to share with us? It’s time to Google Ascended Master Aurora.

Ah! Archangel Aurora is known as The Phoenix. She is the Guardian of the 13th Key of "The Law of Love, Cosmic & Earth Gateway, the Heart Chakra." She is a very feminine Angel of Peace, Love, Compassion and Cosmic Wisdom. She also works with Archangel Uriel for Peace and Service, ministering to all life, as she sees all as equals. Archangel Aurora uses the etheric Phoenix Flame of Peace for purification, rebirth, and renewal. She is empowering us and helping to lead us into the energies of Nova Gaia.

What a joy to be here now.

I feel Peace wrap me in a loving embrace.

One that lasts forever,

In this world and the next.

We are Loved.


                                    The Angel  

We are proud to announce the release of The Prophecy Map of Nova Gaia.
This is not a book as you have known books. It is much, much more.

Please follow The Cartographers of the New World at novagaialove.com

We are The Angel, The Dragon Heart, and The Fairie
