Who are The Cartographers of the New World?


I hope you'll join us! I absolutely love frolicking in the new energies of the Earth with my friends, The Dragon Heart and The Fairie! It is such a joy to take what we each know and share it with each other as messages and understndings emerge and evolve in the energies of this new world of Nova Gaia. Shortly after we embraced the true nature of ourselves, we knew our purpose was to share this knowing and this joy with others. 

The blissful energies of Nova Gaia are not for us alone, they are for ALL of us. And that, in fact, is a very clear aspect of these New World energies. Abundance is the basis of Nova Gaia, as is inclusion, compassion, and the solemn realization that we are not free, we are not healed, we are not whole until ALL of us are free, healed, and whole. But who are we to do this? We know that ours are not the only Voices being asked to come forward at this time to guide humanity into this New World. How do we fit into the greater plan? What role is ours to fill?

To answer this, we did not have to strain and search. We knew how to ask and be answered in the clearest and purest way. We softened our focus and leaned in to listen to a higher, purer energy. The answer came and it was very clear. We have to teach, we have to expand and reach out to others, we have to embrace ALL. We have to acknowledge our true selves and step forward. 

The Dragon Heart, The Fairie, and I never had to ask how. It was fully understood that each of us had been prepared over the years for this exact moment. With a blending of our individual skills, we are moving forward, bit by bit, reaching the people who are ready for the knowledge and experiences we provide. The hows are not important to know in detail - all will emerge naturally. We only have to move forward in trust.

I, The Angel, used my skills to begin to bring our concepts, ideas, and knowledge into focus through books. Already, our first book, The Prophecy Map of Nova Gaia, is - or will soon be - available on Amazon. As we excitedly discussed plans for book after book after book, we knew that something was different about these. While these writings come in the form of traditional books, they are not books as people have known them. They truly are something different. 

They are maps. They are less about the words we write and more about the energies and experiences of each individual reader. Through these maps, we create pathways of growth and, like any true map, each person’s journey is their own. The reader is the starting point, but their growth and endpoint is jointly determined with Spirit.

Our sweet Fairie used her skills to create a website, http://novagaialove.com/, building it and bringing our existence into greater clarity.  The Fairie then brought in The Dragon Heart to expand our existence into social media on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/NovaGaiaLoveCom ) and Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/nova.gaia.love/ ). The Fairie fully understands the needs of Earth energies - old and new - and the Unseen world. She knew exactly what was needed to build the bridge that would take us from the ephemeral to the tangible.

This was real. We existed. We could be found.

Using her skills, our dear Dragon Heart gave us a voice through podcasts ( http://novagaialove.com/Podcasts.html ), capturing our conversations so, like fireflies in a bottle, they could sparkle and shine and share their light with those who are ready to hear them. It has been so hard for our Dragon Heart to stay in the Now, allowing for our divinely-paced growth when she is so very capable of seeing complete timelines from conception to conclusion, but she has does it so we can all grow together as one complete unit compiled of three very different, yet complimentary energies.

Then, I expanded our outreach to include blogs ( http://novagaialove.com/NovaGaiaLoveBlog.html or https://novagaialove.blogspot.com/ ), allowing us to share our individual talents, learnings, and teachings in a blended environment. What will come next? I could ask The Dragon Heart as she already knows, but I am content to glide effortlessly into each new aspect as it arises.

Over the years, we had each spiritually grown so much as individuals, now it is time to grow as a unit. Slowly, steadily, we have emerged, stretched and tried our wings - fairy wings, angel wings, and dragon wings - gaining the strength and confidence we need to properly fill our appointed place as caretakers, as creators, as teachers of sacred knowledge, to properly become what we are: The Cartographers of the New World.

I only have to ask, what have you been drawn to do? Where is Spirit guiding you? Let us assist with your growth as you shine on your own path. Let our coming together inspire you to accept and share your own talents. We are ALL needed. We are ALL loved. We are ALL exactly where we should be at this perfect moment in time.

We gratefully accept this mantle of sacred responsibility and blessing

We promise to do our best to serve you in your own growth and your own journey

 As we fulfill the role we have been given 

To bring Nova Gaia Love energies to the consciousness of All

                    The Angel

Please follow The Cartographers of the New World at novagaialove.com

The Dragon Heart, The Fairie, and The Angel
