Free Yourself (and Others) from Karma with Forgiveness and Mercy


How wonderful our world is! Every single day is a promise of something new to learn, something different to practice. Every day holds the promise of our continued evolution into Nova Gaia Love. 

I so love you! I cannot wait another moment to share last night’s experience with you! 

It begins with my thoughts and words slipping from the path of Nova Gaia. In conversation, I spoke unkindly about two people I have known for a long time. Was there another way I could have expressed my thoughts and feelings without casting blame and putting them down? Certainly, but I didn’t choose that way. I ruthlessly kept these two souls in the narrow box I created for them and their behaviors long ago.

My judging words were only a short part of the conversation, but it was enough.

Last night, when I found myself wide awake and completely unable to sleep, I got up and went to read and meditate. What did I read? I read about Jesus and Judas with an interpretation I hadn’t heard before. In this interpretation, Jesus looks into the past lives of Judas and sees that Judas, himself, had been treated treacherously and slain in the past. Seeing this, Jesus is fully aware karma dictates that Judas will eventually inflict this same treachery on another, resulting in their death. Jesus is also aware that this cycle of treachery will continue throughout untold lifetimes, holding Judas - and everyone else involved - captive in a negative spiral, blocking their spiritual evolution.

Jesus knows that Judas has to work this hatred out of his heart. With full awareness of the situation, Jesus provides this fatal opportunity for Judas. Jesus also knows that he, himself, has the ability to clear this karma for all invoved by adding one simple yet crucial element to halt the ongoing recurrence of this Karmic pain: Love. Jesus meets this situation with absolute forgiveness and the redeeming power of Love. The painful karmic cycle is broken by the mercy of forgiveness and love.

Ah! So this was why I was awake. So I could learn to act in love and forgive in love. I settled into a light meditation and brought in my own higher self, then I called in the higher selves of the two friends I had talked about.

All was calm as I greeted them. This peaceful feeling continued as I told them every negative and blaming thing I had said about them. I apologized for the poison of my words and thoughts, and asked for their forgiveness. They gave it freely.

I then spoke the words I needed to say to forgive myself. At first I backslid and started to justify my actions so I could still look at myself as blameless, but I quickly caught myself - I was alerted to my backsliding by the change in energy I felt within me as it started to shift away from the peacefulness that enveloped us. Recognizing this shift, I immediately stopped what I was saying to myself and admitted to the higher selves of my two friends how I was trying to justify my actions. I recentered myself in peace and committed to doing better, recognizing that I am not perfect and it will take time and effort to change these negative, blaming habits of thought and speech.

But there was s silver lining to this backsliding: Thanks to the justifications I had started to bring up, my friends had an opportunity to tell me of the harmful perceptions of me they have kept alive. I was able to see myself from their eyes, to see how certain aspects of myself have annoyed or been offensive to them.

Amazingly, it was not hard to hear what they said. I felt very safe and accepting. I was looking at myself through the lenses of their experience and self-images. Their judgements made sense when seen through their eyes. They were not who I am, but it was an element of how they see me. The converse is also true. The judgements and opinions I have had of them are not true to who they are; they are only elements of how I see them based on my own experiences and self-image.

Ultimately, we all came to a better understanding of each other, with greater love and respect in our hearts. I said to each of them individually, “I forgive you. I honor and respect you. I forgive myself, I honor and respect myself.” 

They each repeated this to me and also to each other, “I forgive you. I honor and respect you. I forgive myself. I honor and respect myself.”

The warmth and peace of compassion and mercy flowed through me. The poison I had fed my friends with my thoughtless, disrespectful words was out of their systems and out of mine, along with past poisons they had fed to me. Whenever you emit harm to another, it is like a poison that goes into them, even when they are not consciously aware of it. Thoughtlessly, we fill the world with poison, forgetting that with ease dose we give we must take an equal measure of poison for ourselves, dose for dose.

I am so happy to have this new technique for clearing the share of the poison in this world that has come from me.

To begin, I will do my best to focus on a daily awareness of my unkind thoughts and words and follow through with this new meditative pathway so I can stop sending poison out to my world. As I gain experience, I will use this practice to heal the deeper wounds I have received - and given - in my life. Ultimately, I hope to focus this practice on groups of people, on institutions, on social strife and cruelty throughout time. It is time for healing. It is time to relieve humanity of karmic suffering. It is time to stop dealing in poison.

I invite you to join me. Together, our combined mercy will help to bring incredible changes to this world, fulfilling the promise of the Age of Aquarius and the new Nova Gaia energies.

I forgive you. I honor and respect you.

I forgive myself. I honor and respect myself.

                                        -The Angel

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